Lesia Vasylenko (UA)

Speaker (Member of the Parliament of Ukraine)

Lesia Vasylenko is a member of the parliament of Ukraine of the IX Convocation. Her party Holos (voice or vote in Ukrainian) is the youngest opposition party in Parliament, liberal, democratic and Promoters of European integration. In Parliament Mrs. Vasylenko sits on the environmental committee where she chairs the sub-committee on Climate Change. At the outset of the escalation of russian aggression on 24 February this year MP Vasylenko’s strong international background allowed her to quickly become one of the strongest voices of and for Ukraine on various international platforms. With an international law LLM from University College London and five years of running a veterans’ rights NGO Legal Hundred, Mrs. Vasylenko is well qualified to give both expert and political assessment of the situation in Ukraine.

Head of the Subcommittee on Climate Change and Clean Air, Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management

Co-Chair of Ukrainian British parliamentary friendship group

Member of the Delegations to the PACE, Political Affairs Committee

Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, President of the IPU Bureau of Women Parliamentarians

Co-Chair of Energy and Environment Caucus

Co-Chair of Hydronomics Caucus

Co-Chair BezZaive (Sustainable Consumption) Caucus

LLM degree from University College London

Masters in Public International Law from the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

John Smith Fellow, UK

German Marshall Fund Fellow, USA

Ukraine’s Top 30 under 30, 2017

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