
Laureline Simon (DE)

Speaker (One Resilient Earth)

Laureline Simon is the founder and executive director of One Resilient Earth, an international non-profit organization that designs transdisciplinary educational projects for affected communities, youth and sustainability professionals to respond to the climate and biodiversity crises through regeneration and transformation.

Laureline has worked on climate change mitigation and adaptation at the international level since 2006. She first supported women-led post-disaster reconstruction projects in rural India with the Indian NGO SEWA. She then worked on the identification and financing of large-scale climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation projects in South Asia with the French Development Agency, before leading a multi-year research program on adaptation to climate change in cities of sub-Saharan Africa. At the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, she coordinated activities related to knowledge management and stakeholder engagement on adaptation to climate change, helped set up the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples’ platform, supported a task force on population displacements related to climate change, and coordinated Resilience Frontiers, a pioneering collective intelligence process on long-term resilience. Laureline studied international relations and development at Sciences Po, as well as Indian languages at INALCO in Paris.

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