
Chuck Roberts (US)

The who has given us the most iconic speech about house: In the beginning there was Jack And Jack had a groove. And from this groove came the grooves of all grooves And while one day vicously throwing down on his box Jack boldly declared, let there be house. And house music was born. I am u see, I am the creator and this is my house. And in my house there was only house music But i am not so selvish, Because once you enter my house It then becomes our house and our house music And you see no ONE man ownes house Because house music is a universal language spoken and understood by all You see House is a feeling that no one can understand really Unless you are deep in to the vibe of house House is a uncontrolable desire to jack your body And as i told you before This is our house and our house music And every house you understand there is a keeper and in this house the keeper is JACK Now some you might wonder, Who is JACK and what is it that JACK does JACK is the one who gives you the power Jack your body JACK is the one who gives you the power to do the snake JACK is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm JACK is the one who learnes you how to walk your body JACK is the one that can bring nations and nations of all jackels together under one house You may be black You may be white You may be Jew or Gentile. It don't make a difference in our house And this is fresh
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