Casper Yu (CN)

​Unlike the other DJs, CASPER YU received musical exposure at a young age, and developed his abilities progressively. His music influence came from his brother’s old record collecton of Kratwerk. When he grew up, his talent and hard work gained him success as a DJ. He knows and masters the features of different kinds of music, and he has the ability to mixes them in a distinctive way, which puts him at the top of electrical music industry in China. He has been praised by his peers, and also has a growing fan base. CASPER YU is not only a musician but also a fitness enthusiast. He thinks that a strong body is the basis for him being able to go further on the road to electrical music. He has gained a lot more self- confidence and a positive attude through working out, which makes him a more powerful and vibrant DJ on stage. CASPER YU is the perfect controller for parties, he can always ignites the passion of the crowd with his enthusiasm. It seems that his music has a magic power that connects with people at an emotional level, and leads them to another world. On the extraordinary night he creates, the dance floor will never be empty. People can enjoy the music and the release with abandon.
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