Vincenzo de Bull (NL)
He hosted his own party "BMH" at TWSTD for 3 years and next to that has been resident at KitCatKlub and played in every club in Amsterdam, not to forget playing at Dance Valley Festival and TWSTD queensday. He is resident dj for CLICK playing at WesterUnie, Woodstock 69 and CLICK Festival. He now organizes Midnight City in Club Up.
Vincenzo played together with Andre Crom, Larse, Detroit Swindle, Daniel Solar, Melon, Jeff Mills, Homework, Laura Jones, Johnny D, Arjuna Schiks, Chris Carrier, Makam, Brett Johnson, Solomun and more...
He pays a lot of respect to his buddy Stefano Richetta who has had tremendous believe in him over all the years and created so many possibilities.
Vincenzo, what is you most memorable dj experience?
"I have many great memories, but most definately my best experience was when I closed the night after Jeff Mills during his Three Ages Tour in Winkel van Sinkel in 2005. I remember shaking his hand and taking over the turntables. I maybe even played one of the best sets of my life."
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