
The/Das (DE)

The/Das have chosen an exciting path. In the so far short history under this name Fabian Fenk and Anton Feist allowed themselves the luxury to try out, discard and approach another point. They played with their musical borders and above all repeatedly questioned and fathomed the possibilities of their own cooperation. With great curiosity, The/Das plunged into new collaborations and released short formats to test their margins. Two EPs with techno tracks are released on Italy's cutting edge dance-label Life And Death. For Tale Of Us, also on Life And Death, Fenk sang his distinctive vocals. The/Das travel half the world, perform - according to the context - as a band or merge their pieces into pulsating DJ-sets. The EP "Speak Your Mind Speak" with song-oriented material is released on Sinnbus. The corresponding remixes by Uffe, Benjamin Damage and Vaal on their own label Krakatau. More and more The/Das' style condenses and their draft of subcooled and highly driving electronic music grows. Already with their previous band Bodi Bill together with Alex Stolze they tear down genre borders like incidentally. The band smoothly brings folk-ish songwriting into sweaty electro clubs - or vice versa. And they give the extatic run a sounding soul. With a remarkable sound cosmos, a twisted imagery and above all their fantastic concerts the three of them set formative and still valid marks with ease. When Bodi Bill in the moment of the brightest shine got sent into a well-deserved breathing-pause, Stolze turned towards a darker band sound with UNMAP and Dictaphone. While Fenk and Feist look for a more flexible form of making music, for lighter luggage and a faster output, without losing themselves in no commitment. Now with "Freezer" the first longplayer by The/Das is released and all the detours and different approaches come together. These eight tracks developed between coincidence and experiment on the one hand and experience and sovereignty on the other hand. The/Das show those as a grown entity with new self-confidence. The more distinct calmness looks as good on the album as the opening soundwise: The/Das get lesser and lesser project and more and more band, which constantly works together with more musicians, to create a clearly more organic sound pattern in a technoid frame. Next to longtime live member Thomalla (Krakatau, Running Back), Jörg Wähner (Apparat) and Gunnar Spies (Mia.) are also integrated into the live set on the drums. Apart from this conscious step The/Das allow themselves in all other concerns not having to decide for anything. On "Freezer" the huge musical range, that is to be expected from everyone involved, is shown. Whether it's the cautiously chosen and "soundy" opener "My Made Up Spook" or the pleasently brash and rough "Parallel Worlds", the hypnotic "Miami Waters", the deeply sad "Receiver" or the exuberant title track - "Freezer" is an ode to the urge to discover, the distance, the curiousness and the confusion. And it shows The/Das as an excitingly and fascinatingly expanding band. All along their whole output The/Das made a huge promise. With "Freezer" they deliver on it.
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