Ryan Hemsworth (CA)
With a production range spanning across the spectrum of hip hop, R&B, dance music in its many forms and even indie rock, Canadian artist RyanHemsworth has landed himself in the eye of today's musical storm- navigating smoothly across genres and making it all fit in his inclusive imaginative world. Having originally explored his musical voice as a singer and guitarist in his teens, Hemsworth rose to fame soon after his love affair with drum loops and samples took flight. A couple critically-acclaimed R&B albums, a vast catalogue of underground rap collabos, and a string of landmark mixes and remix work took him on the road to the four corners of the world- all becoming important ingredients to define his approach and lay the ground work for his singular vision. With theLast Words EP and debut album Guilt Trips, these experiences began to crystallize and form a musical landscape that is at once all-encompassing and completely personal- a collage of influences and soundscapes that come together naturally into Ryan's world. In 2014, he launched Secret Songs as a new frontier into this frame of mind; a free outlet to share new exclusive music he supports with no strings attached. The platform started as a simple Soundcloud page and took off immediately, now growing into its own imprint, permeating into his live shows, having "started its own service" as noted by The New York Times- all supported through a vast network of collaborators and fans. With his sophomore album, Alone For The First Time, Hemsworth keeps sailing to new creative adventures and explorations, digging even deeper into unexplored genres, and coming back to his songwriting roots with his most thoughtful and layered record to date.
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2017 & 2016