
Ruyzdael (NL)

Ruyzdael is the new project of Rotterdam hip-hop veteran Ritchie ‘Duvel’ Zebeda’, one of the most inventive, influential, unique and progressive hip-hop artists in The Netherlands, with graphic designer Undog and producer/dj and visual artist Dim Browksi. They call Ruyzdael “a rap group with a designer or a design agency with rappers.” Duvel started his illustrious career way back when burning music on a cd took as long as the running time of the cd itself and even sold his work at his doorstep. With Ruyzdael he and his creative partners aim to launch new collective projects, like their first release 6, a physicial piece of art because of its impressive design and typography, a musical piece of art because of the raw, dark beats and stoïc grown-men lyrics. With Ruyzdael as their secret weapon these veteran artists are looking for new ways to experiment and release ideas.
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