Nikki Manuputty (NL)

Speaker (Possibilize)

Nikki Manuputty has a background as a theatermaker and teacher. She has made a performance about domestic violence with an interactive program in which the public, under the guidance of experts from the Kopland foundation in Groningen, was challenged to think about the subject and make it open to discussion. In addition, Manuputty works internationally as an artist coordinator of several major Dutch music festivals such as Wildeburg and DGTL, but also in Germany, Belgium and Portugal. Nikki has a neurological condition that limits her mobility and she uses a wheelchair. Living with this disability has made her realize that there are still many improvements possible in the cultural sector in terms of accessibility and also in the artistic field in creative accessibility. As an expert by experience and in collaboration with Possibilize, she looks for opportunities in a production role to realize these changes. Together they can draw on the basic infrastructure that Possibilize offers, such as office spaces, website packages and financial administration.

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