Joël Meyer (NL)
Joël Meyer is an AI Specialist currently working for Apenkooi Events, a prominent Dutch event organisation known for brands as STRAF_WERK, DGTL, Pleinvrees and The Gardens of Babylon (a.o.). He graduated in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the University of Amsterdam, and has been helping people and companies to become aware of the use of AI, since 2017. Serving a high variety of clients, from start-ups to multinationals.
Over ten years he has worked for Apenkooi Events in different roles, so it is very exciting to him, since 2021, to combine two of his passions; Artificial Intelligence and Events.
Now, aside from doing a variety of experiments with event (marketing) data, he works on the topic of sustainability, as it has shown sustainability serves as a navigator towards innovation.
Events are natural platforms, and therefore there is an abundance of opportunity of working in a more data-driven way. The general awareness and confidence for new ways of working is rising, so it is a very exciting time right now.
Joël is very passionate in helping the companies and their people to adapt their ways of working, and most importantly; while having fun, since transforming business processes is not done purely technologically.