Thomas Harrington Rawle (GB)


Thomas Harrington Rawle an artist based in London. His work has featured in Paper, Nowness, ARTE, BBC, Vogue, Wonderland and more. He's currently building the Care More visual universe, exploring how capitalism attempts to supplant community with an individualising commercial concept of care. He combines 3D and hand-drawn animation to create a disorienting landscape of displacement and alienation, with a darkly comic tone. Examining what it means to care in a tangled world of global corporate monopoly, where our every action triggers direct yet intangible consequences, Care More addresses the disjunct between our emotions and their repercussions when every feeling is a micro transaction. The first episode premiered on Nowness in March 2021, featured on ARTE Tracks, and has been shown at the Montréal International Festival of Films on Art & LINOLEUM Festival. Episode 2 premiered in July of this year on Nowness.

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