Song Yang (CN)

Speaker (Mai AI Cultural Communications Co.)
Song Yang is the Founder and CEO of Mai AI Cultural Communications Co. LTD. Mai Ai was founded in 2009, and focuses on many areas of electronic music including Music Copyright, Artist Management, Festivals and also Music Production and Education. The company is perhaps best known for the INTRO Festival. Started in 2009, INTRO has grown over the years into one of China’s biggest electronic music festivals. It is held each year in multiple cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, and invites a strong mix of Chinese and foreign DJs. The event has helped to shape the Chinese electronic music scene in Beijing into what it is today. One major point of emphasis for Song Yang himself has been the management of music copyright in China. This includes a collaboration with SAIFAM music group, one of the largest in Europe. He believes that for China to continue to grow in terms of its music scene, the legality and copyright of music itself is of utmost importance. In fact, before starting Mai Ai, Song Yang was involved in securing music copyrights for the wildly popular program “The Voice of China”. Song Yang and Mai Ai’s latest ventures have focused more on the cultural side of the Chinese electronic music scene. This has included an increased emphasis on more diverse festivals, electronic music education, film projects, and cross-cultural collaborations.
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