Simon Halsberghe (BE)

Simon Halsberghe lives and works in Brussels, the capital of Belgium as well as the centre of Europe. Living in such a culturally diverse place has its distinct influence on Simon Halsberghe. This results in a diverse practice with a broad scope while maintaining a singular and personal sound. He has composed music for theatre. He has won an award for best Original Soundtrack with the music for the animated short ‘Kitten Instinct’ by Liesbet Eeckman at the film festival of Angers, France. Simon Halsberghe also works as a music consultant for fashion brands, his clients include Gianni Versace and Christopher Kane. Next to the more traditional function of ‘DJ’ for these gigs he sometimes makes bespoke music for these fashion collections too. Previously Simon Halsberghe has released music as Pitch & Hold (on Love Triangle Music), Simon Hold (on VLEK) and HABERGEON (on Gentle Tapes).
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