Sarah McBriar (GB)

Founder and Festival Director of AVA – an Audio Visual Arts festival and conference, that celebrates, amplifies and develops the strong current of electronic music and digital visual arts from the ground up. AVA started in Belfast in 2015 and within 2 years has grown an international reputation, through debuting in Mumbai in March 2016, Manchester in September and ADE this October, with more International events coming in 2017. Sarah's experience to date spans from an MA in Creative Producing to pioneering and project managing a large scale tourism project for Manchester City and Proleisure, to working as the assistant producer at Block 9 on the Glastonbury 2014 team, to artist management at MIF, Manchester International Festival and the Warehouse Project. Her passion for electronic music, live event, production, visual art, connecting with International artists and communities and her background in producing and project management, has meant her passion has become her work and business. Her ambition for AVA is to become a catalyst for electronic music and digital visual art collaboration at a grassroots level, exploring industry topics through the conference and showcasing work across the world by connecting communities and artists.
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