Sacha Hoedemaker (NL)


Sacha Hoedemaker is a Dutch Emmy-winning composer based in Amsterdam. Sacha has been inspired by great film and TV composers and their ability to tell a story. After spending a decade perfecting his craft through theater, live performance and composing for media, he started releasing music under his own name.

Sacha is known for his melodic excellence and compositional storytelling. He is one of the most sought-after Music Directors in improvisational theater. He performs daily at Boom Chicago in Amsterdam and continues to grow his reach by touching people's lives with his own neoclassical music. In 2022, he was featured as one of the top 50 neoclassical artists worldwide, amassing over 25 million streams worldwide as an independent artist in under three years.

Sacha Hoedemaker can be heard on a lot of the compositions of Dr. Peacock, and is the pianist and MD for the successful formation: Peacock in Concert.

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