
Jon Skinner (GB)

Jon has been involved in the music business for nearly 30 years. He started out as a house DJ in the late 80's, which quickly progressed to setting up his own record shop in 1991, to producting, writing, owning several labels, a publishing company and developing software for his companies. Finally leading to his current unique business, Music Gateway. Jon previously licensed music to EMI, Sony & MCA and had placements within games. With a wealth of independent experience behind him, he has developed the world’s first global business platform www.musicgateway.net with the aim of connecting talented like-minded people across the creative industries. Streamlining the way users connect, collaborate & conduct business. This B2B platform launched in August 2013 and has rapidly grown to tens of thousands of industry professionals worldwide. Jon has spoken as part of many seminars and panels including NAB, Sync Summit and Canadian Music Week. He is also a regular guest lecturer at universities across the UK including Cambridge, York and Southampton. His knowledge and insight into topics such as online collaboration, the progression of the music industry and assisting industry professionals in their careers has been invaluable.
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