Jasha van der Wel ()

Jasha van der Wel (1977) graduated at the University of Amsterdam as a Developmental Psychologist. She specialised in the influence of humour on the immune system but her passion has always been transformative events. During university she worked at Supperclub Amsterdam and already organized several original events and festivals under the name Lust het Leven (Lust for Life) and All is One. Both concepts were nominated for the Golden Gnome Award (best festival of the year and best innovative new concept in Amsterdam). After living in India for 1,5 years she worked at ID&T for over 5 years in the Creative- and Sustainability department. Nowadays she has her own company, called The Experience Enhancer, a platform where creatives and business meet. She was involved in the development of Awake Amsterdam with Lama Sogyal Rinpoche, Healing Garden Festival, Beyond Festival, Indian Summer Festival, Welcome to the Future Festival, the Dream Festival, Dream-to-go Parade and Blijburg aan Zee. She works as a guest lecturer for The Hague University where she teaches sustainability on events. The last 15 years she has travelled the globe visiting many festivals. She has worked (amongst others) for the Boom festival in Portugal, for Envision Festival in Costa Rica, for Glastonbury UK for Mysteryland NL USA, and Chile and currently she works for TEDx Amsterdam as an experience designer partnerships and is writing a book about Global Festival Culture. www.jashavanderwel.com and www.theexperienceenhancer.com
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