French Fries (FR)

Valentino Canzani aka French Fries’ story begins in 1975, when his parents escaped from Uruguay, which had just come under dictatorial rule, and fled first to Argentina, then to Paris. Once in Paris, his father reconstructed a fully-equipped studio complete with drums and various percussion instruments, which enabled Valentino and his sister (Piu Piu) to familiarize themselves with rhythm and recording techniques at a very young age. So began Valentino’s musical education, he exercised his talent as a drummer until the age of 14. Like a lot of city kids, he was a big fan of both basketball and American rap. It was at this time that Jonathan Chaoul (aka Ministre X and co-founder of ClekClekBoom) introduced him to house music and all its sub-genres: Baltimore, Ghetto Tech, the sound of Brazil’s favelas… It was also at this time that French Fries’ production work underwent a major change when he met Bambounou, who would become his new writing partner.
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