Brenda Munsterman-Braet (NL)

Brenda started working for ID&T in 2004. At that time for ID&T Media, the department that covered sponsoring and sales for ID&T Magazine, ID&T Radio, restaurants Mme Jeanette and Cineac, Beach club Bloomingdale and all ID&T events. After successful Sensation shows in Belgium and Germany in 2004 and 2005, it was only in 2006 that Sensation International became a separate business unit within ID&T. Brenda joined the small team from day one and was there to live and learn from the start of Sensation’s international expansion. As a Project Manager working with local partners in many different countries. In 2008 and 2009 she moved to Germany for a couple of months per year to manage the full risk event Sensation Silvester in Dusseldorf on New Year’s Eve. In 2012 it was time for the next step and all experience with the many different partners resulted in the new role of Business Development Manager. Finding the right partners is a delicate process, but one that Brenda has mastered through the years. With having seen over 100 Sensation shows and counting, Brenda has taken the international tour to a next level again with the new show concept Rise that started touring in April 2018. Many former and new partners embrace this new show. Successful editions already took place in Mexico and the Czech Republic and Thailand, Poland, India and Spain are still to come this year.
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