Break Rules Enjoy (NL)


Break Rules Enjoy, music mixologist. Multi disciplinary skilled (vinyl, CD, all digital), but being a creative nerd nowadays all digital is my preference. Playing all digitally opens up new possibilities to bring music in my own specific way…

It all started with playing on a radioshow somewhere back in the eighities, and like many others, from there it was a small step to school parties, the community center disco and later on becoming the resident DJ at the leading discotheque in my hometown.

Nowadays Break Rules – Enjoy (BRE for intimi) is a well established and very well-respected DJ and Producer on the Festival & Club Scene. With decades of experience, he brings his own special take on the techno music genre that he loves and adores since he was a young kid. So if he's around in your town, make sure to get that date locked ‘n’ loaded into your calendar!

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