Bernice Notenboom (NL)


Bernice is a climate journalist, science writer, filmmaker, keynote speaker, and professional adventurer. In 2008 she became the first woman to reach the North, South, and Cold Pole (in Siberia) and traversed Greenland's icecap on skis in one year. In 2009 she reached the summit of the Mount Everest. She has authored 2 books on the Arctic, produced and hosted numerous documentaries and television series on climate change for audiences worldwide.

She lectures for companies, boardrooms and CEO’s on sustainability issues. Each year, she undertakes an expedition with Captains of Industry to Svalbard to confront them with the effects of climate change. SKY GODS - the price of our love of flying is Bernice’s latest film about the dilemma’s we face with aviation. This film comes on the heels of her award-winning documentary film Sea Blind, the price of shipping our stuff.

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