Barry McGuire (AU)

Mullark (Barry McGuire) is a representative of the Ancient Balladong/Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation, Perth, Western Australia. Since the start of time the Aborignal peoples of Australia have sung about the vibrations of the land and imitated the creative beings that formed their sacred places. They exist as one with the environment and through song, they pay respect to the balance of life. The songs and dances echo the movement of the ancient beings that crossed our world and created so many song-lines to be sung today. Song-lines are passageways of life, they are the connection to nations, they are the balance of travel across the land, they can heal the spirit back into alignment, and they channel the relationship that exists between humans and our animal / plant family. Barry will speak of the ancient connections that should be shared with the world to bring a better tomorrow. He will also speak of an infusion of old and new vibrations that his people shared with Arcadia UK, creating a platform to bring nations together and share an understanding of synergies that exists throughout the world.
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