Amir Barbell (NL)

Amir Barbell was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, already one of the most exciting worldly cities of its time. The aspiration for the entertainment business was born early. But became serious when he started as a Light jockey in nightclub Lexion. Already one of Hollands most popular nightclubs. Very soon his talents were visible and he became Hollands number one Light jockey during the Dutch championship contest 1999. Within 4 months he went to the World Championship contest and became a third place. This made Amir one of the most wanted Light Jockeys of Holland. His growing passion for the love of music made him switch the lighting decks to record players. As a Light Jockey he worked with a lot of big and small dj’s, and more and more he got the feeling that he was just as good and even maybe better. To proof this he slowly made the step to dj-ing. Also in this he seemed to have great talent, cause within a short period of time he was playing at multiple big events. Beside spinning he also started producing. Nowadays he has made several tracks, but he also produced for a range of known dj’s. Examples are, DJ Jurgen, MC Pryme (a.k.a King Bee) Jordan Rivera, Robert Feel Good, Farshad Kay etc. Amir Barbell is now part of the little row of big producer/dj’s that set the tone in Holland (and also a little bit Israël). At year 2008 he stood on the main stage of DANCE VALLEY festival and this he has among others due to his producer talent, next to a great remix of DISCONNECT from Onne Heide & Farshad Kay he also made Seven Islands. This clubhit scored well into Asia! As Amir was suddnly confronted with a lot of demand for his productions!
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