Quinten Huigen (NL)

Quinten is a musician and well versed in the idiom of hearing protection. He owns 2 thriving businesses selling earplugs with his companies called Thunderplugs and Knops. Both brands are sold worldwide. His experience in the music business and in the business of selling earplugs is something that helps putting Flowerplugs on the map. Every year millions and millions of disposable products are produced and thrown away. And while there is increasing demand for a green lifestyle, festivals are one of the places where there is a big chance for improvement. Flowerplugs are biodegradable earplugs for festivals. The earplugs contain a flower seed, so you can actually “plant” your earplugs after going to a festival. The seeds are mostly flowers that serve as food for the bee population. The bee numbers are declining and need all the help they can get! This way you can protect your ears, whilst doing good for the environment. Also we hope to “plant” an idea in the brain of the visitors of the festivals. The idea of taking care of the world around you. They can take their earplugs from the festival, and guerrilla-plant them anywhere, providing foor for the bees. We’ve been working on prototyping for 1,5 years now. And now the first batch of bio degradable Flowerplugs is manufactured and tested, but we hope to finetune and perfect the product this winter. We just invested in new machinery to that avail. Hopefully we’ll be able to ramp up production in spring, just in time for summer festival season.
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