Ki kko ()


Ki kko, was born in Palermo in April 1992. From an early age he began to show his passion for music and above all for percussion; beating on anything he found inside the home. At the age of 13 he approaches his first evenings as a cluber and thus a passion for techno and techouse music is born in him. After years of evenings, the passion for techno and all its variations is growing more and more, until it becomes an obsession; so much so that at the age of 15 he forced his parents to give him the first consul. From there he begins to put his first records and propose to be a DJ in parties with friends. The first time he performed in a club was at the old “RISE UP. In Palermo,” year2008 / 2009 “playing in the second track. The guests of that evening were: ILARIO ALICANTE and ANDRE CROM. From then on he began to play in almost all clubs in Palermo and its province, such as Paparazzi, L 'xes in Villafrati, Bier Garten, Lido Le Blond and Pacha in Alcamo marina.
This activity, however, did not last long, at the age of eighteen he left everything and left for a new experience, being an audio and lighting technician. This takes him around Italy, working in numerous holiday villages. Two years have not yet passed when he is called by the Lindos Imperial hotel in Rhodes, Greece. It was on this occasion that he made the decision to stop being a technician and return to Palermo where he feels the irresistible call of the world of nightlife. And so he resumed his career as a DJ playing in clubs such as Tunnel forst, Monteleone, Crash, Tina Pica, Caffè Antico, Borgo Paradiso. He has also participated in several After in secret locations.
Ki kko has also participated in several festivals such as: NEW REPUBLIC in collaboration with
“BASS ASSOCIATED”, KLANDESTINE Festival, KLANDESTINE In the park, mid-August Club13 along the sea Capaci etc ... Lastly, it finds its place in the club at Covo del Garraffelo becoming resident DJ of the Seven parties curated by the well-known DJ from Palermo Charlie Brown. Recently arrived in Turin, Ki kko has already performed in two parties organized by ELECTRONICALLY, moreover he has already spent some of his sets on Radio such as:
Ki kko has always been inspired by his favorite DJs LOCO DICE and Luciano and Riccardo Villalobos and this has left a mark, almost like a trademark in his style of making music.

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