Judith Noijen (NL)

Judith Noijen is employed by Jellink Prevention in Amsterdam and has been working in health education since 2005. Responding to developments in the field of alcohol and drug related issues, policy and research is an important task of Jellinek Prevention. Through research, developing behaviour change interventions, drug checking, training of nightlife professionals, managing a specific nightlife outreach programme: ‘Unity’, the national Project Party Safely, Party Panel and the 'Celebrate Safe' campaign, Judith’s focus has been to promote the role of health and education in preventing nightlife related risks. As a board member of the European Nightlife Empowerment & Wellbeing Network (NEW Net), she’s working, in close collaboration with all safer nightlife stakeholders (nightlife professionals, peers, harm reduction NGOs, administrations, etc.) on improving nightlife empowerment and wellbeing on a European level.
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