Emanuele del Carmine (IT)
Emanuele Del Carmine, was born in Bari in 'in August of 1986,
outstanding talent from' perfect pitch, at the age of four years later lovingly by Prof. Irma Giannandrea, began his career in music. Begins even before writing to juggle on the staff. His talents are highlighted in the years of study and enters with the highest marks in the Conservatory in Bari at the age of ten years to pursue his career as a musician. Participate in National and European music competitions with excellent results.
Having conducted the study of piano at the Conservatory Niccolò
Piccinni of Bari, where he was initiated to 'learning of the classical authors, achieving lower license with Professor Celestina Masotti, extends his musical research also in Jazz collaborating with artists in the industry and highlighting its peculiarities instrumental. His music comes from a combination of classicism of Debussy and approaches the Jazz Bill Evans.
His artistic personality, has been studied and researched highlighted by Nico Marziliano teacher, teaches piano at the Conservatory of Potenza and developed in great detail by Professor David Santorsola.
He attended lessons Jazz Harmony with master VitoAndrea Morra at
the conservatory Niccolo Piccini in Bari, Music d 'together with
maestro Roberto Ottaviano.
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