Dooha Ritus (NL)


Dooha Ritus is a collaborative work initiated by the record label/multidisciplinary platform Omen Wapta. Its first instalment, presented at ADE 2023, weaves together electronic music, fashion design and performance art in a duel between seemingly opposing forces: attack and surrender, past and future, isolation and intimacy. Through all of its equal expressions—sound by Loek Frey and Harald Uunk, fashion by Armia Yousefi, choreography by Arad Inbar and light by Tharim Cornelisse—Dooha Ritus propels circular and cyclic motion, constructing a contemplative space where individual and collective power can be rethought.

Creative director: Woody ’s-Gravemade (Woody92)
Fashion designer: Armia Yousefi (Joone Joonam)
Music producers: Loek Frey & Harald Uunk
Choreographer: Arad Inbar
Performers: Arad Inbar, Samuel Pereira
Creative producer: Sanne Huijsmans
Artistic advisor: Leendert Sonnevelt
Graphic designers: Oliva Joi Rawlings & Tharim Cornelisse
Light designer: Tharim Cornelisse

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