Anya (ID)
Pranya Poeri Paramita also known as Dj Anya, began her career as a model at the age of 13. She has been modelling on the catwalk at almost every major city in Indonesia but also in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Singapore. After her Fashion study in Singapore she came back to Indonesia and resumed her career in modeling and got a little role in a soap (cinetron) serie. Soon after that she began to turn her eyes on the dance scene. In early 2007 she began concentrating on Djing herself by learning to mix on the wheels of steel. And she started gracing the DJ booth in her hometown Bandung and other major cities in Indonesia. Her love and passion for the dance music and atmosphere is the main reason why she becomes a DJ. She feels that she can contribute something special to the dance scene in Indonesia and the dance music in general.
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