Shyam Chhabria (IN)

Speaker (Jjust Group)
With over a decade of experience in sales, strategy, directing events and brand content in some of the most highly known MNCs such as Times group and NDTV Media itself; he stands strong among the most biggest personalities in Brand building and management today. An all-round experience with top notch companies, only enhances his knowledge in his field as an extremely reliable source. His relationship with partners and agencies globally have helped drive brand development Along with identifying and building new revenue drivers for the brand he also diversifies by working closely with talent management on bookings and artist relationships across the year. Driving all this bull-headed work is Shyam’s belief in creating new skies for each endeavor he chooses to step foot on, while walking parallel to this is his pure love for music and adventure, which has only been an asset in today’s architecture in building the scene.
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