Avicii (SE)

Even now, many people — especially those newly versed in the world of dance music — struggle to realise Avicii is just one guy. For all the radio play and Top 10 chart presence — high budget music videos and gym soundtracking — everyday laymen switching on X Factor still refer to Avicii as a “they”, as if he's actually a band, team or even a brand. And in a sense, they're right. No longer is he a kid in his bedroom making tunes on his laptop. More than just a producer/DJ, he's the face of a luxury hotel and merchandise store (both in Miami). Marketing bods organising “crossover” collaborations, a production team on tour and a well-oiled PR machine work dedicatedly around the clock to ensure Tim Bergling is seen to be working miracles; travelling across multiple time zones to numerous gigs in a single weekend, partying through each night with a smile on his face and without sleep, but still with enough time (and headspace) to conjure ground-breaking ideas in the studio. Their job is to keep him superhuman — or at least seemingly
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