Gideon Weyhenke (NL)
Gideon Weyhenke is 26 years old and lives in the Netherlands. As of last year he is the tour manager of Dannic and operates on a global level. He studied Media and Entertainment Management, a study which focuses on the management side of the entertainment industry, and wrote his graduation thesis for ID&T’s renowned festival Mysteryland. This festival has also been the launch of his career in the music industry, when he first started working as an artist runner at Mysteryland in 2008. In the years that followed, he filled positions in artist handling and stage management for companies such as ID&T, Q-dance, Barkers, Loveland and many more. In 2013 he took his career to the next level by fulfilling an internship at DJ Fedde le Grand, where he was able to gain first-hand experience as a tourmanager, travelling the world alongside Fedde during his summer tour. Nowadays, his undivided attention and focus goes to Dannic, with whom he spends most of his time flying to far corners of the earth.
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