Anne Löhr (DE)
Dipl.-Psych. Anne Löhr is a therapist, speaker and trainer specialized in the music industry. She is Co-Founder of the MiM-association in Germany and an active member of MITC – an internationally operating collective of music industry therapists. Based in Berlin she provides national and international mental health care and therapeutic treatment for artists and bands as well as music industry professionals and teams. Her work focuses on stress and pressure, (performance-) anxiety, burnout, tour and live-business health, conflict- and crisismanagement, band mediation and personal development. Anne has been invited to talk and hold workshops for universities, festivals, labels, booking agencies and other organizations such as Folkwang University, RBF, ESNS, Roskilde Festival, VUT, FKP Scorpio, Goodlive, BESTE, irrsinn and Landstreicher Booking. As a speaker, podcast- and radio guest she engages in psychoeducation and raising mental health awareness in the industry. She is also involved in numerous female and FLINTA focused programs in the industry such as MEWEM, MusicWomenGermany and Keychange.