Moerbeck (DE)
In 1978 Moerbeck saw the light of metropolis Berlin. Childhood and youth were strongly influenced by the hip hop-scene of the 80’s and 90’s, which led him to produce beats for various underground artists in his teenage years. Meanwhile Berlin was increasingly gaining underground fame for being the most exciting place for techno, with clubs like “Bunker”, “Tresor”, “E-Werk” and “WMF”. At that time this spark has also set Moerbeck’s heart on fire and he began spending a lot of time in clubs. This experience had a massive impact on the focus of his future productions, and he dedicated more and more time to electronic music.
In 2005 he came to know the DJ and producer Sawlin, and henceforth they performed live acts together on Berlin underground parties. But after a while they decided to go separate ways, for the means of establishing their own names in the scene. During that period he applied himself to a House music project, whereby he released a couple of records under another pseudonym, through which he discovered his growing love for being an actual DJ. Professionally Moerbeck specialized himself towards sound and completed an apprenticeship in audio engineering and sounddesign.
Thanks to a mutual friend (Subjected), Moerbeck and Sawlin were to meet again music-wise. They kept hanging out together in a studio, to produce deep, rough and industrial beats. They experimented in all kinds of directions with analogue synths and diverse effects, so that soon after a range of very special and unique creations emerged, which was nothing else than the starting point for a new and exciting project – Vault Series. This label echoed throughout the techno scenes all over the world, and so the first gig in the legendary Berghain wasn’t long in coming. Up to now Vault Series has released 11 vinyls, where each and every record stands alone and grumbled through the clubs like a thunderbolt. The possibility of living out each one’s creativity is essential to Vault Series, and only this allowed Moerbeck to remain faithful to his belief creative, explosive techno. Furthermore he was able to release his sound on “Perc Trax” and “Candela Rising”, other labels are in the works.
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Previous editions –
2017 & 2014