
Guan Chen (TW)

Speaker (AES)

Founder of Taiwan leading EDM media “AES” Asia Electrik Sound, which is having the

most fans and various TA in local. In last 5 years, AES has become media partner with

over 40 music festivals around Asia. Therefore, AES can be rated as first place of EDM

promoting in Taiwan. By knowing well of consumers’ thoughts and the desire of great

music, AES literally masters all market trends and topic creating. AES is not only the most

authoritative EDM media but also the best choice of catching latest Mandarin EDM news.

Guan has hosted world well-known festival in Taiwan, 2017, also been interviewed by

local TV. From DJ booking to promoting, Guan is capable of completing all tasks. Guan

loves to party with fans, blend in with the crowd is the only way to understand the market.

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