
Duo Penossi (NL)


Every record collector from Amsterdam knows (or should know) about Duo Penossi. This DJ duo runs Platypus Record Shop on the Zeedijk in the Red Light district of Amsterdam. Their music offering in the shop reflects what they like: weird, quirky, surprising and ever danceable.

One can find Duo Penossi play almost every week in Amsterdam. Whether it’s Garage Noord, Skatecafe or Taverno, no dance floor is safe when these two are around. They’ll pull out the obscurest of the obscurest dancehall, 90s house, reggaeton or hiphop that’ll make your feet hurt at the end of the night. Their bi-monthly residency at Radio Tempo Não Pára highlights just the tip of their collection, and we’re excited to hear what they’ll unfold during ADE.

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